Thursday, March 24, 2011

Final Designs: Assignment Two

Task: Choose one of the following words and use one typeface and the word only to visually describe your chosen word. (words- threat, war, worries, laboratory, data)

Font: News Gothic MT - bold
Word: Laboratory

Here are my final designs for part one of assignment two:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Assignment Two roughts: Laboratory

Task: Choose one of the following words and use one typeface and the word only to visually describe your chosen word. (words- threat, war, worries, laboratory, data)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Assignment Two: Laboratory

Task: Choose one of the following words and use one typeface and the word only to visually describe your chosen word. (words- threat, war, worries, laboratory, data)

For this assignment I decided to describe the word Laboratory

The following is the definition of the word Laboratory according to


a building, part of a building, or other place equipped to conduct scientific experiments, tests, investigations, etc., or to manufacture chemicals, medicines, or the like.
any place, situation, set of conditions, or the like, conducive to experimentation, investigation, observation, etc.; anything suggestive of a scientific laboratory.
serving a function in a laboratory.
relating to techniques of work in a laboratory: laboratory methods; laboratory research

Friday, March 11, 2011

Final Design: Assignment One

Task: Choose a letter and then illustrate the Elements of design
Letter: M and Font: Matura MT Script Capitals 


Definitions of the Elements of Design. 
1. Direction is the matter in which the viewer is being directed throughout the composition. It can demonstrate stability, balance or movement depending on the direction of the line. In the above image all the lines are oblique which demonstrate movement or action throughout the design.

2. Line is a visual element of length. Line defines the position and direction of the design and can define shape, convey mood, feeling and define space. It is a series of adjacent point, a connection between points or a point in motion.
3. Shape is the form around a design. It creates negative and positive space.When I was first getting started I tried to pull out the shapes I saw within the letter (think geometric forms), rather than look at the letter for what it is. I believe that the image in the upper right hand corner clearly depicts the positive and negative space (the difference between space and substance) within the composition.

4. Size is basically related items that refer to size (big or small). 

5. Value is basically the artistic term for dark and light. It is a measure of relative lightness or darkness of a color or tone of gray. Color is a property of light. It is the way an object absorbs or reflects light.

6. Texture refers to the surface quality of an object that appeal to touch or tactile sense. Pattern is the repetition of visual elements. Pattern is clearly shown in the bottom two designs by repetition.

ABC... (part II)

As it is shown we can clearly see the letter V both upper and lower case. I found this hanging skeleton in my life drawing class. I of course notice it right away when I entered the room; however I didn't acknowledge the letter V until I was ask to create a Visual Journal for this typography class. Letters can really be found anywhere! 

What first caught my attention of these pins was the bright neon colors and of course that they were horizontally aligned.Then I notice that they're in the shape of a capital I. This is an example of how one can easily over look the daily things we encounter and not really take a good look at it.

When I originally took this picture I didn't notice the letter D; rather I took it because I saw the letter y and v but when I uploaded it to my computer I saw the letter D and thought I used that instead. The letter y and v are easily found in many places/things in the environment.

On my way to the store to buy my cat some food I stopped by the pet toy section and there I saw this adorable toy cow in the shape of an I.

This letter was found in one of my favorite stores, Urban Outfitters of course! I can also see a P and a k but of course the most obvious letter here is the letter R. 

I really like this representation of the letter R because it's two objects put together which form the letter X. I also found these drawing chairs in my life drawing class. 

When I first saw this I saw it at a distance and as I got closer I realized that the dust pan and sweeper were not really there. It caught my attention because of the illusion it created when viewing this from a distance so I wanted to include it in my visual Journal and although the letters here aren't so obvious I believe that the overall image is interesting in itself.

This letter was also found in my life drawing class, and two objects are forming the letter M. It is two easels put together facing opposite directions. The letter V and A can also be seen here.

Final letter of the batch is the letter Q. This is one difficult letter to find but just when I stop looking for it I saw this black cord in the shape of a Q.

TED Talks

Do you rely on others to make decisions for you when you're not sure of the answer? Do you make your own decision even if the results are obscure? We are faced with making important decisions everyday but most of our decision making is relied on experts. I was intrigued with the philosophy of economist, Noreena Hertz, that relying too much on experts can be limiting and to some extents dangerous. She states that we look to experts because we believe that they can come up with better conclusions than we can on our own. "[We] substitute our intellect for their [supposedly] words of wisdom," says Noreena Hertz. She gives an excellent example of how this is limiting or dangerous to decision making. In a study a group of adults who had their brains scanned in a MRI machine while listening to experts speak showed that the independent decision making part of their brain completely switch off. I was astonished at the results! I strongly agree with what  Noreena Hertz has to state. We definitely need to put on our own "thinking caps" on and fearlessly make our own decisions. Of course we should not blindly rebel against experts; rather we should obtain the knowledge needed to question them when need be. Experts are not the enemy, they are an excellent source for guidance, and should be used as a an ambiguous guideline rather as an explicit blue print.  

"Progress comes about not only from the creation of the ideas but also from their destruction" - Noreena Hertz 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Assignment One : Roughs

Task: Choose a letter and then work on the Elements and Principles of design

For this assignment I decided to choose the letter M and font Matura MT Script Capitals. I selected this font because I found the font to be interesting and I had some ideas in which I would be able to illustrate the elements of design. The following are my roughs:

Shape is the form around a design. It creates negative and positive space.
When I was first getting started I tried to pull out the shapes I saw within the letter (think geometric forms), rather than look at the letter for what it is. I believe that the image in the upper right hand corner clearly depicts the positive and negative space (the difference between space and substance) within the composition.

Direction is the matter in which the viewer is being directed throughout the composition. It can demonstrate stability, balance or movement depending on the direction of the line. In the above image all the lines are oblique which demonstrate movement or action throughout the design. 

Size is basically related items that refer to size (big or small).

Texture/ Pattern- Texture refers to the surface quality of an object that appeal to touch or tactile sense. Pattern is the repetition of visual elements. Pattern is clearly shown in the bottom two designs by repetition.

 Line is a visual element of length. Line defines the position and direction of the design and can define shape, convey mood, feeling and define space. It is a series of adjacent point, a connection between points or a point in motion.

Value is basically the artistic term for dark and light. It is a measure of relative lightness or darkness of a color or tone of gray. Color is a property of light. It is the way an object absorbs or reflects light.