Friday, March 11, 2011

ABC... (part II)

As it is shown we can clearly see the letter V both upper and lower case. I found this hanging skeleton in my life drawing class. I of course notice it right away when I entered the room; however I didn't acknowledge the letter V until I was ask to create a Visual Journal for this typography class. Letters can really be found anywhere! 

What first caught my attention of these pins was the bright neon colors and of course that they were horizontally aligned.Then I notice that they're in the shape of a capital I. This is an example of how one can easily over look the daily things we encounter and not really take a good look at it.

When I originally took this picture I didn't notice the letter D; rather I took it because I saw the letter y and v but when I uploaded it to my computer I saw the letter D and thought I used that instead. The letter y and v are easily found in many places/things in the environment.

On my way to the store to buy my cat some food I stopped by the pet toy section and there I saw this adorable toy cow in the shape of an I.

This letter was found in one of my favorite stores, Urban Outfitters of course! I can also see a P and a k but of course the most obvious letter here is the letter R. 

I really like this representation of the letter R because it's two objects put together which form the letter X. I also found these drawing chairs in my life drawing class. 

When I first saw this I saw it at a distance and as I got closer I realized that the dust pan and sweeper were not really there. It caught my attention because of the illusion it created when viewing this from a distance so I wanted to include it in my visual Journal and although the letters here aren't so obvious I believe that the overall image is interesting in itself.

This letter was also found in my life drawing class, and two objects are forming the letter M. It is two easels put together facing opposite directions. The letter V and A can also be seen here.

Final letter of the batch is the letter Q. This is one difficult letter to find but just when I stop looking for it I saw this black cord in the shape of a Q.


  1. Bravo! Well done. You definitely have keen eyes to spot those on! :D

  2. I like your letter batches they are really inventive!

  3. Thank you! =]
    I try to capture objects of interest to myself and the viewer.
